White Mountain Music Ltd is a bespoke Publishing company focusing on uniquely talented composers, songwriters and producers.
White Mountain Music Ltd.
Music Publisher/Composer
Jan 09 – Present
Peter Fleming has been involved with Publishing for 14 years now. He has arranged, recorded, produced and collaborated with all of his artists over the years. Peter was forced to take a hiatus from the music business when he took a stroke in the summer of 2017. Peter was not as active in the music business while he was recouping from his illness but continued to song write as his love of music and the joy it brought him and its healing power with regards the stroke was vital in his recovery. In 2020 he started building a bespoke catalogue of great talented composers and song writers. As a Publisher he successfully placed other artists music on major US dramas such as 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' & 'Hart Of Dixie'. He would also set up co-writing opportunities in Nashville, New York, LA & London. Now he is concretating on building his catalogue.

65 Station Road, Maghera, Co.Derry, BT46 5EY